Finding The Balance

In a world full of instant updates and an expectation to be constantly be productive finding the balance is hard. Not only can it be difficult to figure out how to balance it all it is equally important to make sure we do. Without some form of a balance we end up in a cycle... Continue Reading →

A letter to my younger self

I know things feel confusing right now and you’re probably losing hope but hold on to that hope. Know that it’s okay to feel your feelings and as much as it may feel otherwise, you’re not alone. Know that you’re enough. You’re beautiful just the way you are. I know the world has made you... Continue Reading →

I’m exhausted

Lately I’ve been super exhausting, it’s like no amount of sleep is enough. I want to do so many things but I just can’t. I try but I’m just exhausted mentally and physically. I’m beginning to realise that’s okay (even if it doesn’t feel okay). REST IS ESSENTIAL The issue is whilst I know not... Continue Reading →

Pandemic Diary #1

Hey, It’s me again. Just here to let you know, it’s going to be okay. I know it doesn’t feel like it. I know this feels like it’s never going to end but it will. We’ll get through this together, somehow. I’ll be honest I’m struggling too. Somedays I’m great but others I struggle to... Continue Reading →

Dear you,

Please listen to me, please believe me when I say you are enough. In fact, you're more than enough. Give yourself a break. Stop being kind to everyone but yourself. You deserve better. Give yourself the love and benefit of the doubt you give everyone else. You have not failed. You keep trying and I... Continue Reading →

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